Let’s Declutter our Closets and Make Room for the 2023 Luxe Pieces

We must make room for the 2023 Luxe items in our closets, so let’s first declutter and organize our closets. · Are your drawers barely closing and mismatched hangers, or are you tripping on shoes every time you open or step into your closet? What about the one earring in the kitchen and the matching earring at the bottom of your purse? The beginning of a new year brings a much-needed opportunity for a clean slate, which means starting with your closet.
A luxe life is an organized (or organized) life! With the hustle and bustle and the chaos of living and working full-time, the last thing we need is a cluttered closet that prevents us from finding that perfect jacket for the critical meeting or the belt that is the absolute right color for today’s shoe choice. We can take a morning (or evening) to go from an overflowing closet to an organized one. Now, some of us may take a few chunks of time (my hand is raised) because we have let it get out of control.
Let’s take a moment to breathe. It can be challenging to part with certain items even if you know you’ll feel better with a decluttered closet in the long run. And sometimes, we need a simple push or guidance to get started. With that said, here are six easy and practical tips you can use to get your closet organized.
A luxe life is an organized (or organized) life! With the hustle and bustle and the chaos of living and working full-time, the last thing we need is a cluttered closet that prevents us from finding that perfect jacket for the critical meeting or the belt that is the absolute right color for today’s shoe choice. We can take a morning (or evening) to go from an overflowing closet to an organized one. Now, some of us may take a few chunks of time (my hand is raised) because we have let it get out of control.
Let’s take a moment to breathe. It can be challenging to part with certain items even if you know you’ll feel better with a decluttered closet in the long run. And sometimes, we need a simple push or guidance to get started. With that said, here are six easy and practical tips you can use to get your closet organized.
Take 5 Minutes to Write (or draw) your ideal state.
Yes, imagine the perfect state of your closet. What do you want to see and feel when you have organized your closet? What do you want easy access to, and which items can be stored or placed at the back? How will the present chaos look organized? This is super important. If we can see it, we can achieve it: my favorite writing journal and pen set.Designate and Prep your Decluttering Space
As you remove items from your closet, you must place them in organized piles: I grab bins, baskets, trash bags, markers, tape, paper, and a clothes hamper. I make signs using the paper for Keep, Ponder and Donate and place them on baskets or bags. This will allow you to put them in their respective pile as you remove them. I then label a bin for Repair. I put a strip of tape on the bag and wrote “Trash” with the marker. If you have a lot of on-trend or designer clothing, consider grabbing a third bag for items you can sell to a consignment store.Remove everything and take inventory.
The first step in your closet cleanses to empty it and deep clean it thoroughly. I recommend you remove everything, including clothes, hangers, and shoes, and dump it on your bed or floor. Remember to grab items from shelves, baskets, and drawers, too. Take it all out.Not only will this allow you to dust your shelves and vacuum the closet floors and baseboards easily, but it will also force you to start completely fresh. Now, you can be thoughtful and mindful about each piece you decide to keep.
Start purging your clothes
Are you ready to be steadfast, relentless, and a decisive decision-maker? Then, it is time to do the hard work. First, you will make five piles: keep, Repair, trash, ponder and donate (or sell). The trash pile and donate pile are labeled bags. The keep and repair piles can be on your dresser or a chair. Finally, the ponder pile is for the challenging items to part with, and you need some time to release it. However, you can have up to five things in this pile simultaneously.The Ponder Pile
For the clothing items you struggle to decide their fate which you have placed in the Ponder pile, take a page out of the KonMari method. Ask yourself, does it bring you joy? Do you feel happy with how it fits your body? If the answer is no to both, then toss it. These rules go for shoes, too. Got holes or extreme wear on the soles? They’ve got to go. Haven’t you worn them in a year? Off to charity. Love them and wear them? They’re keepers.What to toss, donate, consign or keep:
- If you haven’t worn it in a year and it’s still in good condition, it goes in the donate bag.
- If it has holes, worn-out elastic, or rips you can’t repair, throw it in the trash bag.
- If it needs a button or has a hole you or a tailor can quickly fix (and you vow to fix it), put the item in the repair pile.
- If it’s not your style, it goes in the donate bag.
- If it’s faded or the fabric is pilling, throw it in the trash bag.
- If it’s fantastic, you love it and wear it, put it in the keep pile.
- If it has stains put it in the repair pile and try these tricks to remove spots.
- If it doesn’t fit, donate it.
- If you are unsure, you can place it in the ponder pile. But each time the ponder pile reaches over five items, you have to make a decision.
Identify those items that give you anxiety.
Many of us keep that one item as a “goal” outfit, a dress or pair of jeans or swimsuit that is too small, but we keep it as a motivator to lose weight. While encouraging yourself to achieve a healthier lifestyle is rewarding, keeping an item around that makes us feel ashamed about our body shape or size is not. Clothes should make you feel empowered rather than making us feel bad about yourself. If you have an item you’re keeping as a motivator to reach a specific size, consider donating it so you don’t trigger compulsive or unhealthy behaviors. And if you get that milestone, you can always reward yourself with a shopping trip.Reorganize and take action
Your closet cleaning journey is almost over. First, you must put everything from the keep pile back in the closet. For the rest, it’s essential to deal with them right away. Taking action will prevent those items from taking up Space and potentially making their way back into your closet.Put the trash bag in your bin right away. Then, drive the donated load to your local drop-off point right away. No waiting! Finally, work on the items that need to be repaired or cleaned. If you need more time to work on them yourself, take them to the tailor or cleaners right after you drop off the charity bag.
Now you have made room for all the affordable, beautiful, and luxe items, you will reward yourself within 2023.
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