I have reached the age where my focus is leading a healthy, happier life. I have to purposefully remove the people and activities that work counter to my goal and incorporate new activities. Let me tell you change is hard. I’m hanging in there with a ton of self-reflection and a lot of prayers. (Oh My!)
My current opportunity is exercising consistently. My husband does a great job. I, on the other hand, allow the craziness of the day to dictate my schedule. So I’m going to start 2023 with a new purpose, perspective and dedication to self-care. That means living my daily affirmation from Prayers That Avail Much that states, “too often I allow urgency to dictate my schedule and I am asking You to help me establish priorities…”.
I do a great job preparing for my day by reading the daily prayer posted on the First 5 app and then my personal prayer. I am now going to incorporate a morning yoga routine. I think I can sneak another 5 to 10 minutes in before one of my beautiful children emerges or Hubby needs something and all peace and calm ends. LOL
I have looked at a couple of different exercise routines I could incorporate into my morning routine and yoga feel like the best option for a plethora of reasons. The most significant being the number of health benefits and the ease with which I can do yoga anywhere without any equipment!
According to timesofindia.com, there are ten Yoga health benefits.
- Improved posture
- Increase flexibility
- Build muscle strength
- Boost Metabolism
- Helps lower blood sugar
- Helps increase blood flow
- Helps the immune system keep diseases at bay
- Increase self-esteem and improve mood
- Improve lung function
- Help improve sleep quality
Exactly what I need in my life!
Johns Hopkins Medicine’s findings support the data from timesofindia.com. Johns Hopkins also suggests a number of yoga poses to get you started. Yoga is a strenuous activity, if you have any medical or health concerns please consult a physician before beginning a yoga routine. Below are 8 poses for beginners suggested by everydayhealth.com.
- Sukhasana – to Relieve Stress You start this asana by sitting cross-legged on a mat with your hands on your knees, and palms up.
- Cat-Cow – Awaken the Spine and Ease Back Pain You start on all fours with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.
- Vrksasana – Tree Pose – Improve Your Balance Start by standing straight and hands in a prayer position lifted over your head.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog- Enhanced Flexibility Start with your hand’s palm down in front of you slightly in front of your shoulders and knees on the ground directly under your hips
- Balasana – Child’s Pose – Help Relax and Unwind Start the same as Downward-Facing Dog
- Baby Pigeon – Open Up Your Hips From all fours, move your right knee forward between your hands.
- Tadasana – Mountain Pose – Improve Posture Stand straight and still with your chest open and broad and your hands at your side.
- Viparita Karani – Legs-up-the-Wall Pose – Restore and Revitalize Lie on the floor with your butt right up against the wall.
Again, these are the basic starting positions for these asanas. Before executing any of them get advice from an expert and permission from a physician if required because of personal health concerns. In the meantime, continue to seek ways to lead a healthier stress-free lifestyle.
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